说到故事性强的绘本,不能不提Little Golden Books。Random House从1942年开始出版Little Golden Books,凭着质优价廉,开创了童书出版业一个先河。它所包含的书的种类很杂,原创作品,经典动画,传统故事都有,但是基本都是故事书,比较象我以前所理解的儿童读物。不求昂贵的纸张,华丽的印刷,但也不粗制滥造。每一本都只比pocket book大一点,硬皮,外边的书脊上是金色的。整体的水平很值得信赖。每次图书馆used books sale都有一两箱子专门放这些书,可见出版数量之大。我们读的很多象Winnie the Pooh,Jack and the Beanstalk,The Poky Little Puppy,The Saggy Baggy Elephant,The Tawny Scrawny Lion,还有Cars,Thomas,都是little golden books出版。曾经买过一本Little Golden Book Collection: Animal Tales,厚厚的一本,一共200多页,不记得有多少个故事了,基本每一个我们都读了很多遍,除了The Kitten Who Thought He Was a Mouse。这个故事我真的想不明白它怎么会成经典啊。那里边的kitten画的太吓人了。
还有一些书已经有点Chapter Book的影子,比如Mouse Soup,Detective Dinosaur,The Frog and Toad。这几本都是Harper Collins出版的I Can Read Book系列的。再多说两句。这一系列的书相比其他很多分级读物都要好得多。Level 1里就已经包括了很多很有意思的书:Biscuit,Danny and the Dinosaur,Fancy Nancy等等。(不要误会,我们家小男娃可没有看过Fancy Nancy。呵呵)
还有一些书真的可以算是名副其实的Novel了。Caldecott Medal得奖作品里有很多:The Little House,The Ugly Duckling,Sylvester and the Magic Pebble,Sheila Rae, the Brave,Strega Nona。。。。。。每一本虽然都还是绘本,但是想读下来也不那么容易。当然不止是得奖作品,这类绘本很多。图画得好,故事讲得好,图文并茂,大人孩子都会喜欢。从构思,文章框架,到用词叙事,都要比很多普通的Chapter Book复杂很多,也优秀很多。孩子的家长在为孩子能自主阅读Chapter Book而兴奋,低看绘本的时候,有没有想到他们其实失去了很多欣赏优秀作品的机会呢?
The Snow Queen
Links: The Snow Queen
很多作家都画过安徒生的The Snow Queen。我们买的是左边的这个版本。看到书,连不太懂英文的奶奶都说,你看这些书多好看啊。画的颜色那么柔和。在网上搜了一遍,又发现了右边这个版本,和左边的是基本同时期出版,还得到了什么奖项。应该也非常好看。
- The Little House (amazon.com
- The Ugly Duckling (amazon.com
- Sylvester and the Magic Pebble (amazon.com
- Sheila Rae, the Brave (amazon.com
- Strega Nona (amazon.com
- Little Golden Book Collection: Animal Tales (amazon.com
- Mouse Soup (amazon.com
- Detective Dinosaur (amazon.com
- The Frog and Toad (amazon.com
- Winnie the Witch (amazon.com
- MOOSELTOE (amazon.com
- Madeline (amazon.com
- The Man Who Walked Between the Towers (amazon.com
- There's No Such Thing as a Dragon (amazon.com
- Something From Nothing (amazon.com
- Corduroy (amazon.com
- The Kissing Hand (amazon.com
- Chester Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully (amazon.com
- Bear Feels Scared (amazon.com
- Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (amazon.com
- The Littlest Dinosaur (amazon.com
- The Giving Tree (amazon.com
- Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (Lyle the Crocodile) (amazon.com
- The Ant and the Elephant (amazon.com
- Library Lion (amazon.com
- The Kitten Who Thought He Was a Mouse (amazon.com
- Biscuit (amazon.com
- Danny and the Dinosaur (amazon.com
- Fancy Nancy (amazon.com
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