In the pond that's full of wavy leaves, there were two inseparable friends: minnow and tadpole. One day, tadpole grew two tiny legs. Then he grew two front legs; his tail became shorter; and he became a frog. The frog crawled out of the pond on to the grassy banks. Days passed, the minnow, now a full fledged fish, wondered where his friend had gone to.
Frog didn't forget his friend and he came back to tell fish about all the extraordinary things outside of the pond: the birds with two legs, wings and colorful feathers; the four-legged horned cows; and most extraordinarily, the people, who walked on two legs and were all dressed up.
Frog left the pond again. Fish was left alone to think about all the things his friend told him: the fishy-shaped birds with two legs, wings and colorful feathers; the four-legged horned fishy-shaped cows; and most extraordinarily, the fishy-shaped people who walked on two legs and were all dressed up. He has to see them ......
This book,
Fish is Fish,

was first published in 1970, but the story it tells will never get old. It talks about knowledge and experience limiting one's imagination. Fish never saw creatures other than fish before, so no matter how specific his friend described the details, all he saw were fish with crazy features. It talks about taking the extra step, however tiny it might be. When the frog who was hunting near by saved the fish lying on the ground and gasping for air, I couldn't help smiling. Frog never went too far away, but he saw a much bigger world. It talks about knowing who we are. The wild world is full of extraordinary things, but the pond is where a fish belongs. And it also talks about friendship. The two childhood friends parted their ways as they grew up to be totally different individuals, yet they could share their life and experiences.
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